For many years, the primary issue in physics has been the misalignment of classical and quantum physics. In quantum physics and Einstein’s general theory of relativity, gravity is conceptualised rather differently. Since gravity, electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force are the four fundamental forces of nature, theoretical physicists have been unable to unify them. The ideal “Unified Theory of Everything”—a theory that can explain the nature of the four fundamental forces of nature and, consequently, all occurrences occurring in our universe—has been presented in several ways. Examples of such theories include string theory, the standard model of particle physics, and others.
None of them, though, are ideal. But Hindus, who live on the Indian subcontinent, wrote the ancient Sanatan Dharma texts known as the Veds, which have their own “Unified Theory of Everything.” It explains the origins of the universe, its operation, and more. We will discuss this Vedic “Theory of Everything,” also referred to as Vedic Rashmi Theory, in this post. Acharya Agnivrat made the suggestion following a thorough study of the Vedas.
What Do Physicists Know Till Now?
If we keep on breaking everyday material into smaller pieces, then what do you guys think we will find at the end? Well, that’s what scientists have been doing for over a century. Earlier we used to think that molecules and atoms are the smallest possible parts. But then we came to know that atoms themselves are made up of nuclei (protons and neutrons) and electrons.
Later on, we even broke protons and neutrons in particle accelerators and came to know about a lot more elementary particles like quarks, and bosons etc. We will study more about these elementary particles in a separate article on the Standard Model of particle physics. However, scientists have still not found all the elementary particles predicted by the Standard Model of particle physics. They believe that if we can build even larger particle accelerators, and collide atoms and nuclei with even more energy, then we may be able to detect some of these elusive particles. And maybe find out that even these are made up of even smaller particles.
Note The biggest particle accelerator in the world right now is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), in Geneva (Switzerland).
As per String Theory (which has not yet been proved), these elementary particles are basically formed by various vibrations of strings of infinite length. So, at an even deeper level of existence, the elementary particles like quarks cease to exist like a particle and just exist as strings.
In fact, there’s a famous saying by Nikola Tesla: “If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Vedic Rashmi Theory also supports this vibration concept. Rashmi means vibration or vibrating entities. But Vedic Rashmi Theory goes much beyond String Theory. As per it, there are even finer levels of existence. The medium in which the strings vibrate is even finer than those strings.
Even finer states are (in the order of larger to smaller):
- Akash Tatva,
- Manas Tatva,
- Ahankar Tatva,
- Mahat Tatva,
- Prakarti Tatva.
So, as per Rashmi Theory, Prakarti Tatva is the finest form of material. And before our universe came into existence, all the matter was in this state only.
Note The problem with Big Bang Theory is that it cannot explain what caused the Big Bang, or what was before the Big Bang. Though some scientists have proposed that matter existed as a very fine soup before the Big Bang. This sounds a lot like Prakarti Tatva. However we cannot prove it right now by using observation, experiment or even maths. So, these hypotheses are still in the realm of theories, not facts.
Prakarti state is almost nothingness, it’s infinite vacuum space. However, it is not ‘nothing’. It is ‘almost nothing’. This state of matter is also called as Sushupti State of Matter, i.e. sleeping state of matter. This is the natural state of matter, and that’s why it’s called Prakarti.
As per Lord Shiva, and other sages of Bharat, this state is undefined, i.e. Avyakt. It cannot be known completely, because in this state the matter is not displaying most of its properties. These are latent. No logic or technology can help us understand it. When the universe was in this state, the temperature was absolute zero, and obviously, there was no light. There was no mass and no energy. The four fundamental forces of nature (gravity, electromagnetic force, weak nuclear force, strong nuclear force) that we know were also non-existent. The time was also not in the state as it is now. It was dormant.
Note As per Big Bang Theory too, space, time, matter and energy came into existence only after the Big Bang, i.e. after the moment of creation of the universe.
As per Rashmi theory, the universe came into existence when a supreme consciousness (i.e. God) broke this equilibrium state of matter and caused the very first vibrations, the finest of the vibration or Rashmi, called OM Rashmi. It is the active state of time.
This led to other forms of vibrations. Then with time the basic properties of the basic Prakarti tatva started getting activated. Matter started getting manifested in various forms.
Prakarti tatva started converting into Mahat Tatva, and then Ahankar tatva, Manas tatva, and finally into Akash Tatva. Akash tatva is space.
Once Akash tattva came into existence, many more macro vibrations (Chhand Rashmis) started, like waves on the surface of an ocean. The basic OM Rashmi is inherent in all these rashmis. Gravity also came into existence. After that Vayu tatva came into existence, followed by Agni tatva (i.e. basic elementary particles, electromagnetic forces, etc.). Then Jal tatva came into existence, i.e. the cosmic cloud of ionic state matter. After that the Earth tatva came into existence, i.e. atoms and molecules. That is, all those basic ingredients that makeup us and our world – stars, planets, etc.
Note The concept of mantras is also based on vibrations. Various mantras are supposed to resonate with different natural vibrations of the universe. That’s why, as per Vedic experts, it’s not only necessary to say the right mantras, but also that we say them the right way. Now, we are not saying that it works or is effective. But that’s what the whole system of mantras is based on– the concept of vibrations. The most important and the most famous of them being the mantra of OM
As per this theory, God controls the very basic OM Rashmi, the finest of the vibrations of the universe. Everything else happens as a chain reaction. That is, our universe is controlled by the quantum world. The macro, classical world we see is controlled by the micro world. At the end of the universe, all the matter will return to its original Prakarti state. That is, almost to nothingness. As per Rashmi Theory, the creation and destruction of the universe is an infinite cycle. The universe gets created and destroyed over and over again. This phenomenon has no beginning and no end.
Note Vedic Rashmi Theory also tells us about the formation of solar systems. As per this theory, the initial orbits of planets around their stars is not stable. A planet’s orbit gets stable only after around 60 revolutions.
Winding Up Though neither Rashmi theory nor String theory has ever been proved. If the basic state of matter, i.e. Prakarti Tatva, is undefined then we may never know its true nature through observation, experiments, or Maths.
Note Do you know that scientists and mathematicians have found out that there’s a limit to Maths and Observations
Through Incompleteness theorems, Kurt Gödel proved that the prevalent mathematical methods were inadequate in discovering all that is true about the natural numbers. You may read more about it on this Wikipedia page. ⚫ Quantum Physicists have stumbled upon a problem while conducting experiments on quantum particles, known as the Observer Effect. The result of an experiment may get change depending on whether it has been observed or not. This has led many physicists to debate and ponder upon the role of consciousness at the quantum scale. You may read more about it in this Wikipedia page.
Maybe we need to adopt a different methodology in our quest of the absolute truth. Maybe we need to seek the answers within ourselves using meditation, kundalini yog, etc. Rather than looking for these answers outside by breaking matter into ever smaller pieces. But till we do that, it will remain a matter of speculation. We should seek all possible paths with an open and rational mind, rather than believe in one or the other blindly.