AS PER NEW DISCOVERIES: The light is the real culprit.
• Light is a problem, It creates disturbances in the life cycle of trillions of creatures, as per many sources. More than one-third of organisms cannot brood easily due to night lights.
• There is quite a possibility that within this century more than 1/3 of the micro creatures will vanquished from earth due to the infiltration of light in their day-to-day lives.
- Most of the scientists and mathematicians work at night.
- The early bird doesn’t always catch the worm. In fact, night owls are probably getting a lot more done and are a lot more successful.
- Have you ever noticed all idiots work during the day and all people who have sharp minds work at night? Let me give you an example within animalia.
- In the animal world, all herbivorous animals eat during the day, and at night they are just watching their enemies.
- In contradiction to this, there are carnivores who eat herbivores at night.
- The point here is that morning workers don’t mean good.
- Most of the schulmucks work at day time.

- Eating before bed may stabilize your blood sugar levels and satisfy cravings, helping you fall asleep faster.
- When our eyes are covered while eating, it’s believed that our senses of smell and taste are elevated to new heights, making the food’s flavors and scents stronger than ever.
- Darkness controls your diet
A study by the University of Konstanz in Germany blindfolded 50 people with modified ski goggles, while another 40 participants were given no blindfold.
All participants, who were not allowed to eat within two hours of the experiment, were invited to tuck in to three 95g bowls of bowls of cherry, caramel and vanilla ice cream for 15 minutes. The bowls were then taken away allowing researchers to measure the remaining ice-cream and question participants about how much they thought they had eaten.Researchers found that, on average, the group able to see their food ate 116g each, while the blindfolded group ate significantly less, at around 105g each.
- There’s always been debate about the best time of day to work out. I’ve always heard that exercising first thing in the morning is ideal, but others say a nightitime workout benefits them more. But is one time really better than another, and why?
- The best time to exercise is whenever you can
- Researches suggests that your body can adapt to regular training schedules, so if you work out every morning, you will probably get a lot better at working out in the morning, and the same in regard to nighttime workouts.
- Exercise in morning side effects:
- You may interrupt deep sleep: Depending on your sleep cycle, an early morning alarm might puncture deep sleep. This can result in sleep inertia (feeling groggy for a while after you wake up), as well as chronic fatigue if it happens often.
- Physical performance isn’t at its peak: Most people don’t roll out of bed feeling nimble and fired up. You might experience stiffness in your joints and temporary inflexibility. You should loosen up as you warm up, but studies actually show that certain strength markers, including peak power, are higher in the evening.