Nutrition plays a very important and direct role in spinal health, and in healing the discs and surfaces of the spinal joints from an internal biological perspective. Regarding the spine, a calcium rich diet is a bone-healthy diet. Keep your bones strong with such foods as:
- milk
- low-fat yoghurt
- cheeses like Edam, Cheddar and Parmesan
- vegetables like curly kale, okra, red kidney beans, baked beans
- nuts like almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, and sesame seeds and tahini paste
- fish like whitebait, sardines (in oil, tinned) and salmon
- figs and apricots
- tofu, soy bean, eggs
Glucosamine sulfate– Found naturally in the body, is essential for the maintenance and repair of collagen (the primary component of discs). The body uses glucosamine sulfate to form the chemicals it needs to repair cartilage, tendons and ligaments, and synovial fluid (the naturally occurring fluid that bathes the spinal joints). Collagen helps to maintain and repair spinal joint cartilage
Antioxidants– increase naturally occurring collagen.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids– have collagen-forming properties and are used by the body to repair and prevent damage to cartilage and discs caused by inflammation
Sulphur rich foods which accelerate protein and collagen production
Anti-inflammatories naturally reduce swelling
Soy products are high in genistein (a substance called an isoflavone). Genistein is believed to be responsible for collagen production and also acts to block any naturally occurring enzyme responsible for breaking down collagen.
Fibre helps digestion to remain smooth and not place strain on the discs that are vulnerable to increases in pressure in the abdomen.
Boost healing of your spine at the cellular level with such super foods as:
- Shellfish: crab, shrimp, prawns and oysters
- Dark green vegetables: kale ( a type of a cabbage), spinach, collards (relative to Kale), asparagus
- Red Fruits and Vegetables: red peppers, beets, stewed or fresh tomatoes, dark berries like blueberries and blackberries
- Soy Products: soy milk, soy cheese and tofu
- Black olives
- Red onions and apples (naturally high in a substance called quercitin which has natural anti-inflammatory properties)
- Flaxseeds, chia seeds
- Beans: navy beans, kidney beans, soy beans etc.
- Cold Water oily Fishes: anchovies, herring, sardines, salmon and mackerel
- Winter Squash
- Olive oil
- Fruits, nuts, vegetables and grains
- Clear Water: Keep yourself super-hydrated. It’s always important to give your body water necessary for the re-hydration process in the healing of degenerated discs. Ideally, drink 8 10-ounce cups of clear water per day.
These spine-healthy super foods are easy to find at any grocer or health food store. The foods are delicious and packed with healing nutrients your body will love!
On the converse, there are foods you are wise to avoid. Nitrates, sugars and fats can exacerbate the inflammation and pain associated with back pain. In general it’s a good idea to avoid
- Processed foods high in nitrites (think, processed meats).
- Foods high in sugar, saturated and trans fats.
- Any foods containing high fructose corn syrup.
Every food or drink you put into your body directly impacts your health. Give your body an extra boost of healing power by eating wisely. And while your low back pain or neck pain will not go away with food alone, you can further your body’s innate healing power