By Walter Russell
Jesus said, GOD IS LIGHT,” and no man of that day knew what he meant. The day is now here when
all men must know what Jesus meant when He said “GOD IS LIGHT”.
For within the secret of Light is vast knowledge yet unrevealed to man. Light is all there is; it is all we
have to deal with, but we do not yet know what it is. The purpose of this message is to tell what it is.
Today’s civilization has advanced far in knowing HOW to deal with matter but we do not know WHAT
matter is nor the WHY of it. Nor do we know what energy, electricity, magnetism, gravitation and
radiation are. Nor do we know the purpose of the inert gases and WHAT they are. Nor do we know the
structure of the elemental atoms nor the gyroscopic principle which determines that structure. Nor are
we aware of the fact that is a two-way continuous universe of balance in all effects of motion and not a
one-way discontinuous universe. Nor have we even yet heard of or suspected the most important of all
principles in physics, THE VOIDANCE PRINCIPLE and the mirrors and the lenses or space which are
the cause of illusion in all moving things.
Nor do we even consider the entire material electric universe to be the illusion that it is; there being
no reality to it whatsoever.
Nor have we the slightest inkling of the cause of curvature of space, nor the avoidance of that curvature
in planes of zero curvature at wave field boundaries. No one now knows how it is that crystals get their
various shapes. It will amaze the world to know that those shapes of crystals are determined in space by
the shapes of the wave fields which bound the various elemental structures.
Nor have we the slightest conception of what constitutes the life principle, nor the principle of growth,
nor the simultaneous unfoldment-refolding principle which repeats all patterns in Nature sequentially
and records and voids them as they are repeated. Nor are we aware of that recording principle by means
of which the Creator carries forth the sum totals of every sequential cycle in His unfolding and
refolding the universe unto the very end of its manifestations upon one planet and its beginning on a new
Nor are we dynamically aware of the souls and seeds of things These roots of universal repetition are
now but metaphysical abstractions to religion and physical guesswork to science.
Within the secret of Light is the answer to all of these heretofore unanswered questions, and many
more, which the ages have not yet solved. This revelation of the nature of Light will be the inheritance
of man in this coming New Age of greater comprehension. Its unfoldment will prove the existence of
God by methods and standards acceptable to science and religion alike It will lay a spiritual foundation
under the present material one of science.
The two greatest elements in civilization, religion and science, will thus find unity in the marriage of the
two. Likewise, human relationships will become more balanced because of greater knowledge of
universal law which lies behind all of the processes which light uses to interweave the patterned forms
of this electric wave universe.
There is no department of life which will not be vitally affected by this new knowledge of the nature of
Light, from the university to the laboratory, from government to industry, and from nation to nation.
I therefore give it to you with all of its clarity as I have become aware of it from behind the
scenes of this cosmic cinema of light illusion which is our universe.
Walter Russell